About Us

Who are we?

Lubbesthorpe Alive is all about helping build a healthy community. We grew out of a project started by Churches Together in Leicestershire way back in 2014. After establishing a partnership with Blaby District Council, Churches Together employed a Pioneer Community Worker to take on the task at grass roots level. Sue Steer arrived in 2016 before anyone moved in and got to know anyone who had anything to do with New Lubbesthorpe! Once the residents started to arrive Sue welcomed them with a smile and welcome bag and over time made friends. Together these friendships started community activities and events as well as a Welcome Team to continue the welcome visits.

The Community Hub officially opened in March 2018 and was located at the entrance of New Lubbesthorpe. It quickly became a catalyst for new groups which include Little Lubbers Baby and Toddler Group, Brewed Awakening, mid-week drop in, a book club, walking and running group. Big community events began to place at Easter, Summer and Christmas. 

At the end of 2019 The Hub was moved (with a very big crane!). In January 2020 we reopened and very quickly had to adjust to the coronavirus outbreak. Much of our work was then about supporting those needing additional help because of the pandemic as well as redesigning our community work to fit in with government guidelines.

Despite the Coronavirus outbreak Lubbesthorpe Alive CIC was launched in August 2020 as a resident led group to continue the work started through the Pioneer Community Worker's role. The six year funding from Churches Together ceased in September 22 and we are now funded through the Drummond Estate, the housebuilders, donations to our activities, grants and fundraising events.

We have a group of Volunteer Directors as well as a whole host of volunteers to help make this community a great place to live through the work we do. 

We take safeguarding very seriously and are committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all individuals; for more information, please review our safeguarding policy that can be found HERE

Contact Us

Email:  lubbesthorpealive@gmail.com

Telephone:   07847362965

Address:  The Hub, Tay Rd, LE19 4BF

Photo by Miles Burke on Unsplash 


For more information on the team behind Lubbesthorpe Alive 

Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

Where to find us