What is a Community Interest Company?

Our Community Interest Company (CIC) has been set up as a not-for-profit limited company which exists primarily, like a charity, for the greater good and in our case, the benefit of Lubbesthorpe. You might be familiar with organisations known as social enterprises, that is effectively what we are. As a Company it has Directors. None of the Directors are employed or paid by Lubbesthorpe Alive. Sue, as Pioneer Community Worker, is employed by Churches Together and her paid time is gifted to Lubbesthorpe Alive.  All other Directors give of their time freely and voluntarily.  See our Our Team  page to find out more about our Directors.  We are currently looking for new Volunteer Directors to join our team 

We chose this type of organisational structure as it is designed to enable social enterprises that want to use their profits and assets for the public good.   CICs have the flexibility and certainty of a company form and will enable us to adapt easily as this community grows.   As  CIC it has some special features to ensure they are working for the benefit of the community.

Who operates The Hub?

Lubbeshorpe Alive CIC operate The Hub and the owners are The Drummond Estate who are New Lubbesthorpe's developers.

Where does our funding come from?

We are funded from six areas:

How are we accountable?

Usually Companies are accountable to their shareholders. As we are not-for-profit company there is no financial gain to be made for shareholders. We believe we should be accountable to our community as they are our reason for being and are effectively our shareholders. We promise to regularly seek feedback from our community to tell us how we are doing as well as ask what they would like to see us achieve.

Each year we will publish a yearly report which includes a financial report. This will be sent to all our supporters and will be available for the local community to see on our website. We will also continue to act in association with Churches Together in Leicestershire. The Pioneer Community Worker role is also accountable to a small group of representatives from the Churches who pay for her time.

Community Interest Companies are also subject to ongoing regulation by the CIC Regulator which helps to create confidence in the integrity of a CIC.    Our accounts are filed each year through Companies House.

We firmly believe that operating as a CIC, Lubbesthorpe Alive is the best type of organisation, placed in the heart of the community here at Lubbesthorpe, to serve the community and deliver excellent community initiatives and events.

Please do contact us directly at lubbesthorpealive@gmail.com if you have any more questions.